Community engagement
Community input into the planning, design and delivery of the Ryde Hospital Redevelopment is essential in creating a welcoming facility that meets the health needs of the community well into the future.
The Ryde community has provided insights and feedback throughout the planning of the new facility to help inform key decisions such as the most appropriate location for the hospital, staff and visitor car parking and hospital design.
Feedback has been received via a series of face-to-face and online community consultation and through consumer groups with representatives from the local community. Input from consumer groups was vital throughout the planning and design phase and will continue throughout construction.
There have also been opportunities for the community and stakeholders to provide formal submissions to the Department of Planning and Environment following the lodgement of the State Significant Development Applications.
The project team will continue to provide opportunities for the community to have a say as the project progresses into delivery.
Community members can also contact the team with suggestions or feedback any time by emailing